Lawrence Hass Farewell Party

W. . .O . . .O . . .O . . .W!! I have just had the most magical weekend ever! First, I was invited to perform my magic at a farewell party for one of my own mentors, Dr. Lawrence Hass, associate dean of the McBride Magic School in Vegas, who is moving out of the Dallas area to Tennessee. (That's him in the first photo opening the show with some of his favorite rope magic.)

As if that wasn't an honor enough, I got to share the stage with another of my mentors, Eugene Burger, considered as one of the top ten best magicians in the WORLD, who closed the show with his signature piece, the famous Gypsy Thread, a true masterpiece of magic. The next day, Eugene hosted a lecture on the subject of improving our performance of magic, and I had the privilege of attending and helping out on stage. A truly awesome, magical weekend!

See even more shots of the fun on my Facebook Page!


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