Dallas Magic Club Officer Installation

This has been an awesome week for magic in Dallas! The Dallas Magic Club just hosted its annual officer installation banquet and magic show at Brookhaven Country Club, and after being a member of the Club for over eighteen years, I have finally been elected as the Club's new Vice-President! This is a huge responsibility for me, since I will serve as the Club's program director, being in charge of the content of the monthly meetings, among many other duties. Pictured are the new officers from left to right, President Joey Byers, Vice-President Daryl Howard, International Brotherhood of Magicians President Oscar Munoz who made a special trip to Dallas to swear us in, Treasurer and Wylie Mayor Eric Hogue, and Secretary Dr. Mike Blum.

Afterward, we enjoyed a hilarious fun-filled magic show by Oscar Muñoz, winner of the prestigious IBM Gold Cups award. I was also able to attend a lecture by Oscar before the banquet, and learned some really cool coin magic, as well as some expert techniques with the Chinese Linking Rings and ball productions. More photos of the event will be available on the Club's website, DallasMagic.org plus a few on my Facebook page. Time to get back to work on my magic!


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