Kieron Johnson Lecture

I have just experienced one of the most unusual, bizarre magic lectures of all time. This is Kieron Johnson, a professional magician from the UK, on his very first lecture tour in America, teaching us some of his favorite magic effects, including producing HOT COFFEE from a sealed soda can, burning a hole through a deck of cards to find the location of a signed card, and my personal favorite, producing a freely chosen, signed playing card in a solid block of ice! But, wait! There's more!

After the lecture, I got invited out to dinner with Kieron and a few friends, where he demonstrated his ability to swallow a coin, then regurgitate it back up heads or tails, your choice! Of course, our dining experience would not have been complete without a further demonstration of his ability to swallow the coin, then snort it out his nose, with the help of a pair of pliers that he conveniently carries with him. You can see even more images from this fantastic event on my Facebook Page.

I know that one of the photos shows me enjoying a margarita, but I promise you, I had not had too much to drink! I actually witnessed these feats first hand, along with all my other local Dallas magicians at the table, pictured in the group photo. From left to right clockwise, Daryl Howard, Mark Jensen barely showing, Derrel Allen, who got to be Kieron's lovely assistant and wear the complimentary rubber glove, Kieron Johnson, Dal Sanders, Van McGee, Cinde Sanders, Kieron's traveling companion and fellow magician Dr. Rob Flory, and Ben Tsao. I told you that this was one of the most unusual, bizarre experiences I've ever had at a magic lecture!


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