Dealt Movie Screening & Magic Performance

Got any plans for next Saturday, April 1, around 1:30 pm? Well, you need to cancel those plans! The Dallas Film Festival is showing a movie called "Dealt", which features an old friend of mine, Richard Turner, regarded as one of the top sleight-of-hand artists in the whole world! I've seen Richard perform up close, and he can do things with a deck of cards that no one else on the planet can do. And, believe it or not, he is blind! That's right, a blind sleight-of-hand artist. If you are even remotely interested in magic, you must see this movie. But, there's more! I have been hired to perform my strolling magic in the lobby for the moviegoers! Doors open at 2:00 pm, and the movie starts at 2:30 pm, and I will be there to greet you with my magic around 1:30 pm. Hope to see you there!

RSVP to the event on Facebook or more information about the screening and the film, visit


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