
Showing posts from March, 2017

Lory Masters Birthday Party & Roast

If you've been following me on social media, you will remember that I was invited to perform my magic for the Lory Masters Birthday Party & Roast back a few months ago. Well, I was FINALLY  able to get a couple of photos to post from the photographer that covered the event. The first photo is of me entertaining guests with my strolling close-up magic. The second photo is of me on stage in The Rose Room at Station Four Night Club on the strip in Dallas, producing feather boas, beer bottles, and who knows what else from my Magic Gift Box. I was a big hit! There was also a video production crew there to cover the stage show. Stay tuned . . . If I'm lucky, I may be able to get a video of the show! You won't want to miss it.

Dealt Movie Screening & Magic Performance

Got any plans for next Saturday, April 1, around 1:30 pm? Well, you need to cancel those plans! The Dallas Film Festival is showing a movie called "Dealt", which features an old friend of mine, Richard Turner, regarded as one of the top sleight-of-hand artists in the whole world! I've seen Richard perform up close, and he can do things with a deck of cards that no one else on the planet can do. And, believe it or not, he is blind! That's right, a blind sleight-of-hand artist. If you are even remotely interested in magic, you must see this movie. But, there's more! I have been hired to perform my strolling magic in the lobby for the moviegoers! Doors open at 2:00 pm, and the movie starts at 2:30 pm, and I will be there to greet you with my magic around 1:30 pm. Hope to see you there! RSVP to the event on Facebook or more information about the screening and the film, visit

Kieron Johnson Lecture

I have just experienced one of the most unusual, bizarre magic lectures of all time. This is Kieron Johnson, a professional magician from the UK, on his very first lecture tour in America, teaching us some of his favorite magic effects, including producing HOT COFFEE from a sealed soda can, burning a hole through a deck of cards to find the location of a signed card, and my personal favorite, producing a freely chosen, signed playing card in a solid block of ice! But, wait! There's more! After the lecture, I got invited out to dinner with Kieron and a few friends, where he demonstrated his ability to swallow a coin, then regurgitate it back up heads or tails, your choice! Of course, our dining experience would not have been complete without a further demonstration of his ability to swallow the coin, then snort it out his nose, with the help of a pair of pliers that he conveniently carries with him. You can see even more images from this fantastic event on my Facebook Pag

Penguin Magic Company Trick

Ever wonder what magicians do in between shows? We create new magic, or create new ways to perform old classic magic. Right now, with help from New York filmmaker Amanda Reyes, I am working on a video clip to send to my friends at Penguin Magic Company, one of the leading creators and manufacturers of new magic for professional magicians. I can't reveal all the details just yet, but I can tell you that I have invented a revolutionary new way to perform an old classic card trick, Card Warp, using a solid card that can be handled by the audience. If you know how the old method works, you will be really impressed by my new creation. Penguin Magic has already contacted me wanting to see the video. I will keep you posted as things develop... Get more behind the scenes shots on my Facebook page . 

ADD Birthday Celebration

If you missed my bar-hopping magic show in Deep Ellum, here are a few photos of me entertaining guests with some of my favorite strolling magic. This was the perfect way to help local Dallas DJ Robi Nickolai celebrate her birthday. Everybody had a blast, and we are all ready to do it all over again! (We just need to find another reason to celebrate.) Want to see more? Check out my Facebook page !