
Showing posts from February, 2018

Dallas Magic Club Meeting January 2018

Well, the new year is off to a great start at the Dallas Magic Club! We treated the guests to a professional close-up magic show with four Club members, including myself, who brought out their best performance pieces for the occasion. Judging from the expressions on people's faces, it looks like everyone had a great time. Thanks to Shawn Messioner, Geoff "Doc" Grimes, and Ian Richards, for their help in making the show a success. And, of course, a special thanks goes out to Club officer Dal Sanders for being my stand-in photographer for the evening. Great job everyone! See even more shots from the event on my Facebook page .

Deloitte Consulting Company Cocktail Party

Had a wonderful time entertaining employees of Deloitte Consulting Company in Dallas at their company after-hour cocktail party. Unfortunately, no one was on hand to take photos of the performance, but we all had a good time, and hopefully, I will get photographs the next time they invite me to one of their parties.

Arnold Transportation Christmas Party

I had a great time entertaining employees of Arnold Transportation company with my strolling magic show at their annual company Christmas party at The Embassy Suites Hotel in Irving. They had a professional photographer on hand who took photos of me performing for guests, but I am still waiting for those photos to arrive.